The long-term strategic plan for the growth and development of Babylon University (2021-2026)
The university aspires to achieve a distinguished position in its business environment while creating an educational climate characterised by openness and dynamism and adopts the marketing of educational services, research, and consultancy within the framework of a productive university to serve the community, as well as a focus on developing the intellectual capital at its disposal and doubling its competitive capabilities, to achieve a distinct competitive position among its peers.The university has no choice but to move with an integrated vision, a clear mission, fundamental values, and attainable strategic goals and utilise its technical capabilities and available human, financial, and material resources to realise its ambitions and advance the educational reality. The reality of the university confirms the existence of an apparent disparity between the capabilities and capabilities of the current university and the future university, as well as the lack of crystallisation of the concept of strategic thinking among many university leaders and the lack of knowledge of many of them about the components of the internal environment and the lack of dealing with the external environment, as well as the related uncertainty of future paths and directions. Available strengths and opportunities and how to invest and benefit from them, identify existing and potential weaknesses and threats (restrictions) and how to deal with them and limit their adverse effects in light of the diminishing informational separations between societies and institutions, including universities, the expansion of communication and information technologies, and the diversity of their areas of interaction and influence. And between the university's internal and external settings, strategic planning is the most effective professional instrument for the university's future survival, stability, growth, and development. A central committee for the strategic plan is established, and the plan's methodology is revised using contemporary planning tools. Consequently, in this plan, the DCA short diagnostic methodology is used to develop the strategic plan for the next five years to upgrade and advance university education through (accreditation of e-learning and blended learning that has been implemented beginning with the academic year (2020-2021)) and meet the requirements of the labour market and the needs of society, while maintaining the criteria and indicators of the previous plan.
Colleges and departments have grown in recent decades
Introduction of a medical school for Hammurabi under University Ordinance No. 25235.26 September 2017
Developing the College of Postgraduate Studies according to University Order No. 11626, Dated May 15, 2018.
Development of the Faculty of Engineering's Engineering Section according to University Order No. 25078 on September 25, 2017
Developing the Public Information Section of the Faculty of Arts on January 25, 2017, according to University Order No. 25078.
Development of a Business Administration Section at the Faculty of Administration and Economics according to University Order No. 25078 dated September 25, 2017.
Development of the Qiran Education Section at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences on October 21, 2018, according to University Order No. 24778.
Development of an Information Security Section at the Faculty of Islamic Science according to University Order No. 24974 dated October 22, 2018.