Planning Scientific Conferences

The development of scientific conferences into one of the leading forms of academic publishing has made it crucial to support this scientific industry. Many academic associations specialized in the organization and preparation of scientific conferences have emerged over the last years to help higher education institutions organize academic events in terms of attendance, events, research papers, supervisory bodies, invitations, announcements, and reception of participants. Scientific conferences can be classified into a number of categories according to the geographical scope of the venue and the variation in attendees’ nationalities. International scientific conferences are held with the purpose of sharing international opinions and perspectives on particular topics or a phenomenon or discovery that has a global impact. Regional scientific conferences are often held to solve issues that are relevant to a particular set of countries located within one region, such as local peace and security. Local scientific conferences are held on a relatively limited scale within the country. Another way of categorizing scientific conferences is based on their subjects and topics, such as the engineering, health sciences, and tourism conferences. Besides, conferences can also be classified in light of the type of institution hosting the event, such as scientific conferences held at universities or conferences of professional associations in scientific research.

Organizing Successful Scientific Conferences

The pre-conference stage: PlanningThis stage involves defining and formulating the objectives and purpose for holding the conference, such as the emergence of a particular issue, phenomenon, or scientific discovery, or for increasing the scientific evaluation of universities. Other aspects of this stage include identifying the target audience, outlining the topics to be addressed, and determining the conference venue. The location is one of the essential factors that determine the success of a conference. Several factors should be taken into consideration, such as the ease of access and climate, logistics, the availability of the halls required to cover the number of invitees and participants, and the availability of light and sound equipment, displays, means of communication, and modern technological advances. Next, the conference sponsors and their financial support needs to be identified to ensure its compatibility with the expected costs for the logistics, entertainment capabilities, and activities. The conference programs need to be studied and prepared along with the accompanying events and subsequent programs, in light of the pre-set budget. This will provide a clear and realistic approach to its application.

Another aspect to be taken into account is the venue tourism, which could cover a tour around the venue or a short trip to the local sight-seeing and attractions. A call for papers should be announced to invite researchers to participate by submitting their work and/or attend the conference. Interested researchers should submit an application and send their manuscripts for review and auditing, after which the accepted works are announced. Prospective participants can directly contact the Department of Scientific Conferences by e-mail to send the required documents and transactions. Some well-known personalities in the specialization of the conference topic are also invited to participate. In order to promote an integral scientific conference, it is necessary for the steering committee to elect highly qualified auditing and supervisory bodies to receive, evaluate, and publish the works submitted by participants.

The implementation stage:This stage starts off by receiving the attendees and ensuring that the events are conducted according to the predefined schedule. The conference organizers must have distinct scientific and communicative skills as they are responsible for managing all internal and external aspects of conference. These activities include the attendees’ place of residence, breaks, catering, and the provision of equipment required for conference programs. Besides, they are responsible for inviting the press and media and the possibility of broadcasting the proceedings of the scientific conference directly. The conference organizers are in charge of the coordination and trouble-shooting, and should receive evaluative feedback from the attendees in terms of how efficient the conference is organized, and should receive any complaints in case.

Among the objectives and benefits expected to be achieved are the formulation of new results and proposing studies that present a change or development in one of the aspects of society. As for interactions, the build of social connections among academics is highly supported, as well as the exchange of scientific views and values through open discussions. The research submitted for participation is documented in detail so as to preserve the intellectual rights of researchers. The presentation of the research in front of the audiences increases the researchers' self-confidence. Finally, the conference can later on be adopted as a scientific database for future research publication.

The post-conference stage:The final stage includes collecting references, writing evaluation reports, and providing feedback upon the problems faced by the organizers for future reference. At last, the proceedings of the scientific conference are published, including the research presented and discussed during the conference.

University Conferences

We are working on indexing all international and local conferences organized by the University of Babylon to be kept for future review and citation purposes. The full archive of our university conferences can be found in the link below.

Conference Archives


To follow any upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops held at the University of Babylon, please visit the Nadwati website below.

Nadwati website

Key Factors for a Successful Conference

-Adhering to the rules of research manuscripts submitted for publication through the scientific conference.

-Committing to a detailed plan of times and locations and abiding by the instructions of the conference organizers.

-Securing supplies and equipment which makes the participants feel comfortable.

-Introducing the attendees and important personalities in case they have not met before.

-Ensuring equality between attendees and providing the opportunity of fair participation for all.

-Communicating with the coordinators to avoid any forms of irrelevant activities and to make sufficient use of the time available.