University Mission

The primary purpose of the University of Babylon is to provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, critically examine, preserve, and transmit the knowledge, wisdom, and values that will help ensure the survival of the current and future generations as well as improve the quality of life for all. The university seeks to help students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the complex cultural and physical worlds in which they live and to realize their highest potential of intellectual, physical and human development. It also seeks to attract and serve students from diverse social, economic and ethnic backgrounds and to be sensitive and responsive to those groups which have been underserved by higher education. To fulfil its mission, the university contributed through the following:

Leadership in community service through cultural, scientific and research excellence.

Graduating qualified scientific staff members that meet the requirements and needs of the labour market and are able to compete locally and internationally.

Providing students with the assets of modern knowledge, advanced scientific research methods, high values, and the personal development skills to make them capable of innovation, challenge, leadership, self-learning, teamwork and competition both locally and internationally.

Developing and updating education curricula in light of contemporary trends, and subjecting them to periodic evaluation in accordance with international quality standards while taking into account local conditions.

Achieving excellence in the field of university education and scientific research at local and international levels, and consolidating the university’s role towards upgrading theoretical and applied knowledge.

Active participation in the protection and sustainability of the environment locally and internationally.

Providing and strengthening the university's infrastructure requirements.

Developing the University’s scientific, research, and administrative capabilities and resources.

Strengthening the specializations that characterize the university’s faculties and centres, and preparing for future specializations.

Strengthening research centres and units to provide advisory services to various community institutions, contributing to solving its problems, and providing insights into local and international issues according to contractual foundations between the university, its faculty members, and the beneficiaries.

Paying attention to continuous education for the different segments of society and the development of its methods.

Strengthening the cooperation between the university and other universities and scientific research centres in the community and at local and international levels.

University Aims and Objectives

Within its learning, teaching and assessment activities, the University of Babylon aims to meet the following objectives:

Providing a diverse range of flexible student-centred programmes, based on sound principles of design, which are responsive to student needs and demands and are explicitly informed by the University’s research culture.

Encouraging students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding that promote personal development, make a positive contribution to society and are valued by external agencies including other universities and employers.

Providing a stimulating, challenging and attractive learning environment where students can grow personally and academically, and which meets the aspirations of the local and international students, enhances student activities, and raises the level of students’ way of thinking scientifically, morally and behaviourally.

Adopting to and developing performance standards to measure the scientific and applied level of university students by achieving international accreditation standards for universities in all academic programs and fields.

Obtaining the international accreditation certificate for the quality of education and striving to obtain a prominent position among international universities.

Focusing on the disciplines and skills required for graduates by linking undergraduate and graduate programs in quantity and quality to the requirements and needs of the labour market, in a way that increases their competitiveness.

Excelling in research programs that work on developing participation and cooperation with educational and research institutions and centres and community institutions at local and international levels.

Gaining the confidence of society and its institutions with its current and future outputs, and considering the diversity of students' backgrounds and experiences in curriculum development while not unfairly discriminating between students.

Actively contributing to the protection and sustainability of the environment both locally and internationally.

Developing optimal investment opportunities of the university’s resources and capabilities so as to keep pace with scientific and technological developments and encourage creativity, innovation and excellence, as well as increasing revenues and controlling expenditures in all fields to achieve complete self-reliance.

Developing the university’s academic staff to enable them to deliver relevant, informed, engaging and innovative teaching, and reward them via the promotion and probation process for so doing.