Head, Department of Studies and Planning opening statement

Praise be to God, who taught through the pen, who taught man what he does not know, and prayers and peace be upon the most outstanding instructor known to humanity, our Prophet Muhammad. May the blessings and peace of God be upon him.We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Department of Studies and Planning at the University of Babylon, through which we work to open channels of effective and fruitful communication with all concerned and interested parties, through which they can obtain a complete description of the department's responsibilities and activities, as well as the university as a whole, and through which we also welcome your suggestions for improvement and strive for excellence.The University of Babylon is a comprehensive institution that offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, numerous programs in various subjects, multiple research institutes, and cutting-edge instructional technologies.The university continues its ascending scientific path to achieve its vision and mission of leadership and excellence with an emphasis on the element of quality and academic excellence in teaching and learning, following the standards of academic accreditation, developing the capabilities of scientific research and innovation in critical areas, and enhancing the university's role in transferring knowledge and skills to serve the community and achieving scientific advancement.The university's accomplishments during the past decade are the product of the exemplary work and concerted efforts of the institution's administration and its workers, including instructors, administrators, technologists, and service people.The Department of Planning Studies is one of the university's most prominent departments and is physically connected to the office of the Vice President for Scientific Affairs.

Proper planning derives from work sites by identifying their components, diagnosing their weaknesses and strengths, and aiming to overcome obstacles and improve stability.Among the department's primary responsibilities are promoting planning awareness, establishing planning mechanisms in colleges, research centres, and departments of the university presidency, participating with the competent authorities in preparing the university's strategic plans and monitoring their implementation, and preparing the annual program that establishes the university's academic, administrative, and financial needs for the upcoming year.Statistics also plays an essential role in economic and social development, as well as the growth and development of science.Modern and reliable statistical information has become a component of knowledge and a tool for making correct and sound judgments. Various policies and planning procedures require statistical information to assure the attainment of the specified goals in the present and future.

The department's primary responsibilities include collecting data, information, and statistics on all aspects of the university's activities, auditing, classifying, categorising, preparing statistical reports, and advising researchers and postgraduate students on statistical matters.In addition, the department attempts to identify methods for enhancing performance, assessing achievement, and expanding the department's role in planning.We anticipate further success for our university, which motivates us to work collaboratively to propel it to the top of international university rankings.