Achievements of this Section

Here is the list of the accomplishments of the Scientific Affairs Section at the University

Preparing the database for the website of scientific journals issued in Iraq, after which the website is supervised and managed by the Journals Division

Oversight of the makeup of scientific journal editorial boards and advisory bodies.

Implementing Ministerial Committee decisions to evaluate scientific publications and monitoring their implementation by institutions

Updating Curriculum book project.

Co-authoring project.

Rehabilitating university house project.

Virtual library project

Website for the project of the Iraqi Academy of Sciences

Ibn Sina project for virtual centres

Electronic journal draft

Draft correspondence and college approvals

Research project on innovative and sustainable energy sources.

Herbal remedies and plants used for medicinal purposes project.

Project Implementing research projects for the teaching staff at the University of Babylon includes the engineering specialization component, the Component of medical sciences disciplines, and the pure science major’s component. Part of agricultural and veterinary specialties. Component of humanities. and other administrative and economic fields