About the Department

The Division strives to assist University of Babylon graduates in securing employment by liaising with the province of Babylon's local government departments and their linked departments, as well as the private sector.Instruction on the development of educational objectives, decision-making abilities, and research techniques. The division supports the university's dedication to educating its students to the highest quality standards. Additionally, the division prepares university students, graduate students, and graduates for the required position.The Division is responsible for coordinating the work of students, alumni, employers, faculty members, and employees with experts by providing guidance based on current information and available resources, as well as establishing communication opportunities within and beyond the university's campus through a variety of channels.Graduates will be able to clearly separate academic and professional goals, as well as improve their decision-making skills, up to the nominal goal, which is to have a selective and competitive vision in accomplishing academic goals and managing careers.The vision provides an overview of the best practices in the field of functional services for training and qualifying graduate students in institutions of higher education.On 5/12/2013, the Career Service Unit was established. The division seeks to build the student's professional paths based on their talents and interests.

Method of Operation

In conjunction with the relevant authorities, the development and implementation of training programs for students during their academic years. Approaching government agencies and the business sector to find acceptable employment prospects for each graduate's speciality. In addition to following up with graduates after their employment in state institutions and the private sector and reviewing the extent to which their expertise and specialities have been employed, this project will examine the graduates' utilization of their skills and specializations.

The significance of the activities of the division

-Enhance the scientific expertise required for success

-Develop the abilities that will enable the graduate to perform at the highest level

-Searching for and giving job possibilities that match the experiences and specializations of each graduate- Assisting graduates in staying abreast of scientific and technological advancements and familiarizing themselves with the working methods.

How to Find a Job

Financing public and private sector organizations with exceptional human competencies can help them boost their productivity in a way that aligns with the needs of development, thereby highlighting the significance of employment services. Internships and other experience-based education can considerably improve a graduate's prospects for employment or further education. Career centers strive toward these goals by making available to students a variety of courses, seminars, and other forms of relevant training.