In a move aimed at strengthening academic and scientific cooperation, the Assistant President of Babylon University for Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Mithaq Talib Al-Jubouri, received a high-level delegation from Azad University of Iran. The meeting was held under the direct guidance of the University President, Professor Dr. Amin Ajil Al-Yasiri, and was attended by a selection of officials, including Dr. Ahmed Fawzi Al-Maamouri, Director of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations, Dr. Saddam Faleh Al-Jubouri, Assistant Dean of the College of Science for Girls for Administrative Affairs, and Dr. Samer Al-Shalah, Director of the Follow-up Department.
Discussions focused on exploring avenues for joint collaboration in several fields, including the exchange of students, researchers, and faculty members, and activating the mutual utilization of laboratory services and academic resources available to both parties. Emphasis was also placed on the importance of developing joint research projects, exchanging experiences, refining practical skills, and organizing seminars and workshops, whether in person or online, in addition to training courses, cooperation in the areas of evaluation and quality, and the exchange of information and systems between the two universities in compatible disciplines.
The visit included a documentary film showcasing the capabilities of Babylon University, from colleges, departments, research centers, and advanced laboratories, to medical clinics and engineering workshops. The film also highlighted the advanced positions the university has achieved in prestigious local and international rankings.
Dr. Al-Jubouri pointed out that Babylon University is striving to launch new scientific departments, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, in addition to other specializations that meet the requirements of the global labor market and modern technology, given their great importance and increasing economic feasibility in an era of rapid technological development.
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