Two researchers from the University of Babylon are preparing a study on the fate of heavy elements.

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Print and Edit- Rafae Abdul Qadir

Date: 2023/10/15

More: 2024/09/21

Researcher Dr. Ashwaq Khuzai Falih at the College of Science for Girls, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jassim Mohammed Salman, the Director of the Center for Environmental Research and Studies, and Dr. Patrick Cout from the University of Liverpool, conducted a research study titled Fate of Heavy Elements in the Waters, Sediments, and Organisms of the Musayyib River
The study focused on the environmental assessment of the Musayyib River. The study revealed the presence of heavy elements such as cadmium, lead, and iron in sediments and organisms more than in the water, potentially posing a risk to living organisms. This study was published in the Baghdad Journal of Science.

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