The University of Babylon holds a workshop on the Ul Greenmetrics Ranking

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By University Media

Print and Edit- Adel Mohammad

Date: 2023/09/28

More: 2024/05/04

The University of Babylon held a workshop on the 2023 Global Ul Greenmetrics Ranking, attended by representatives from senior management, department heads, and faculty. The workshop provided an overview of the ranking, the criteria for the third and fourth standards, and the points the university received in the last 2022 release for these standards. It also presented suggestions for continuous improvement and discussed what the university can achieve to increase its competitive points.

It s worth noting that the University of Babylon achieved advanced results in this ranking, which assesses universities based on their focus on societal development and environmental sustainability. It evaluates their commitment to eco-friendly practices and their efforts to raise awareness within the campus and the community. The global Green Metric ranking classifies universities based on the sustainability of their operations and their adherence to clean environmental standards. This is determined by various criteria related to the environment and sustainability within the campus, including infrastructure, efficiency in energy use, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, implementation of integrated waste management principles for solid and liquid waste, transportation, and the level of the educational process.

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