A patent obtained by researchers at the University of Babylon in the discovery of a blood test device

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By University Media

Print and Edit- Adel Mohammad

Date: 2022/08/21

More: 2024/04/28

As a kind of innovation and scientific excellence at the University of Babylon, the two students (Karar and Sajjad Haider Jassim Muhammad), graduates of the College of Science, Department of Life Sciences, obtained a patent for the discovery of a high-precision device for taking a blood sample using the technique of self-sterilization of the examination medium. The researchers explained that this device has many advantages, including helping to avoid errors that occur in the laboratory by the workers, in addition to being equipped with a lighting mechanism and helping all trainees to see the sample by displaying it on the display screen, and thus providing enough space to prevent gatherings around the patient It also provides comfort to the patient at the same time. It also provides a complete fogging mechanism in a mechanical way for the workplace and the patient’s finger, where disinfectants with a wide range were used to kill bacteria such as ethanol and hydrogen peroxide for dusting. HB, blood group test, TSB, and WBC
In addition, researchers were able to manufacture a laboratory device for thermal inoculation using electromagnetic technology, which transfers, cultivates, and disseminates microorganisms from bacteria and fungi of various types on agricultural media
This innovation culminated in honoring researchers through the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality in appreciation of their efforts in their outstanding inventions and for being the youngest of the inventors.

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