An anti-cancer chemotherapeutic is developed and patented by an Iraqi researcher in Russia.

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By University Media

Print and Edit- Adel Mohammad

Date: 2023/03/01

More: 2024/04/28

A new anti-tumor drug was discovered by an Iraqi researcher at Volgograd State Medical University in the Russian Federation, after studying the chemical composition of the American drug "Metozolomide", which is used in chemotherapy for a number of malignant tumors. Because it kills healthy blood cells that have lost their strength and become unstable. The Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control granted the new treatment a patent entitled (Innovation of a new drug in chemotherapy as an anti-tumor in breast cancer through the expansion of cellular technologies
He continued, "Three samples of breast cancer tumor cells were obtained at the Scientific Institute of Oncology and the Scientific Institute of Medicines and Regenerative Medicine of the Russian Academy in Siberia to conduct a cell culture process for the purpose of multiplying them for the MTT test and to detect the cytotoxicity of the new derivatives, which showed three derivatives that had the highest effect on cancer cells. selected to test its efficacy as a new drug
And the researcher, Dr. Ahmed Hamid Manihel, who earned his bachelor s degree in 2016 from the Department of Chemistry at the College of Science, University of Babylon, stated that he was able to publish a number of research within the Russian "Scopus, Clavret and Vac" containers, and a patent was obtained from Iraq and the Russian Federation .

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